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[2:00:06 AM] pennylane.black: You won't see me Monday, I walked away from it [2:00:32 AM] pennylane.black: That's why I wasn't there last time either [2:02:56 AM] tfsaber: too bad, too sad, you are now a defendant.... [2:08:07 AM] tfsaber: lets see who wins............. [2:09:23 AM] tfsaber: PS: the cat is dead... [2:15:35 AM] pennylane.black: I knew you would kill my cat. You hated me & he had to die. [2:23:01 AM] pennylane.black: That makes you the winner. Hope you feel good about yourself now. [2:32:21 AM] pennylane.black: Why did you kill Tinka? How? Did you at least bury him? When did he die? [2:35:08 AM] pennylane.black: Did he suffer? Please tell me. [2:37:45 AM] pennylane.black: Was it quick? Please tell me [2:38:27 AM] pennylane.black: Nina is she okay? How is she taking this? [2:39:20 AM] pennylane.black: Nina has to be devastated, she loved him. Please tell me [2:40:53 AM] pennylane.black: Please tell me what happened [2:41:31 AM] pennylane.black: Did you kill him? Or did he die from a disease or bloat? PLEASE TELL ME [2:42:36 AM] pennylane.black: I'm begging you to tell me when & how my cat died [2:44:02 AM] pennylane.black: Why won't you tell me? Please tell me [2:44:55 AM] pennylane.black: Did you bury or cremate him? PLEASE TELL ME [2:48:05 AM] pennylane.black: Why didn't you tell me when he died???????????????????? [2:48:41 AM] pennylane.black: Maybe I could of at least talked to him on the phone before he passed over. Why didn't you let me know? [2:50:08 AM] pennylane.black: Why didn't you let me talk to him before it happened? [2:52:11 AM] pennylane.black: Please tell me how Tinka died & when please I'm begging you [2:57:51 AM] pennylane.black: This is omnipotent evil personified not even letting me know when my cat died & how you are the most toxic human being and I use the term loosely that ever existed you will go to hell for this you know. And not even answering me about how my cat died surpasses any other rotten thing you have ever done hands down. You can't even let me know how Tinka's life ended & you knew Tinka meant the world to me. [2:59:01 AM] pennylane.black: I thought you cared about animals at least I guess that's gone too [2:59:41 AM] pennylane.black: One more time---------I am begging you-------------when & how did Tinka die? [3:11:30 AM] pennylane.black: Please Please Please Please Please Please I am begging you tell me what happened to my cat? How did he die? |
Only an evil person can take the life of a poor defenseless animal. That's right Jack (aka. Jonathon Jack Idema Black) or what ever name you call yourself these days. You are the scum of the earth. You have put my friend through hell and back for far too long. Your day will come and I can't wait to see it happen. You didn't even have the decency to visit your dad in the hospital when he sick. Lets not forget the funeral, I was there and so was Penny. Just remember the truth will set her free. I hope everyone finally knows what a vindictive, selfish, coward you are. We all have to meet our creator and I know I’m going to heaven. How about you? I think your going straight to HELL!! Tinka didn’t deserve to die. I hope you have the same fate that Tinka did.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to because I know this good little cat was like a child to you.
Also, this is especially cruel due to your poor health.
I'm sure Tinka sleeps tonight with the angels.
I hope Jack Idema understands this act condemns him forever to the lowest levels of Hell.
Your Friend, Ronbo
My dearest friend, I love you and my heart goes out to you for having to endure such pain and sadness along with everything else that you have been through. It is in some men to inflict extreme emotional trauma on women and this is by far the lowest that one can go. Believe me..I know...I've lived through it many times.
ReplyDeletePenny, my friend, I'm here for you. Should you need me you know how to get in touch with me.
And to Jack, or John or whoever you are...one day your evil and wickedness will catch up with you if it hasn't already. And if it's in the cards your fate will be worse than any of the words any of us can cast upon you.
Penny, you are in my thoughts always...
Hello Penny we talked I would say a month or more ago Well Kevin is like a brother to me so he is not even moving on calling or anything . Of course its late as usuall he basically has it in his head that you talked to his ex wife hes positive and wont budge , Im sorry I realize you and him have been freinds for years this type of calius or rough behavior hes dead certain you did something to him as affecting his child , Im sorry thats all I have to say I also gave mike casey your cell # and as I type I hope he called . Penny heres my perspective you were hot you were on top of the game and bang end of game . I think you always ran with a crowd that just was into drugs and not enough what attracted you to Jack that sort of thing were you a racy girl just makin it happen . Well I wish I could turn Kevin around and have him call you . Well Penny did my best its sad to end in hate all those years for nothing but hate . I really dont know if you want you can call me I will be home I hope you are better anad wish you well .
ReplyDeleteMay an intervention with god himself cure you
I don't need an intervention. I have no addictions to overcome. I am suffering from a disease that someone intentionally gave me. More than one as you know. If you feel like talking to me when you are sober, fine. You know my number why you wanted to post this instead just makes me know how little my life means to you. But thank you for your advice, I will file it right up there with all the other people who seem to know me but really don't. And you never even met me just like the other morons who claim to know all about me. As far as Kevin goes, anyone can be a sperm donor, but a father is a whole different deal. Good luck to you.